Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Merry Christmas!!
I hope everyone has a wonderful 
Christmas and a Happy New Year!! 

Friday, December 21, 2012

This Is Christmas by Kutless

This is my new favorite Christmas song for sure!!! 

giving your struggles to the LORD......

I will give him...the land and set his feet on, because he followed the LORD wholeheartedly. {Deuteronomy 1:36}

Every difficult task that comes across your path--every one that you would rather not do, that will take the most effort, cause the most pain, and be the greatest struggle--brings a blessing with it. And refusing to do it regardless of the personal cost is to miss the blessing.
Every difficult stretch of road on which you see the Master's footprints and along which He calls you to follow Him leads unquestionably to blessings. And they are blessings you will never receive unless you travel the steep and thorny path.
Every battlefield you encounter, where you are required to draw your sword and fight the enemy, has the possibility of victory that will prove to be a rich blessing to your life. And every heavy burden you are called upon to lift hides within itself a miraculous secret of strength.
J.R. Miller

I cannot do it alone;
The waves surge fast and high.
And the fogs close around,
the light goes out in the sky;
But I know that we two
Will win in the end,
Jesus and I.

Cowardly, wayward, and weak.
I change with the changing sky;
Today so eager and bright,
Tomorrow too weak to try;
But He never gives in.
So we two will win,
Jesus and I.

I could not guide it myself,
My boat on life's wild sea;
There's One who sits by my side,
Who pulls and steers with me.
And I know that we two,
Will safe enter port,
Jesus and I.

The LORD will fulfill His purpose for me. ~Psalm 138:8
When a person who suffers reaches a point where he can be calm and carefree, inwardly smiling at his own suffering and no longer asking God to be delivered from it, then the suffering has accomplished its blessed ministry, perseverance has "finish[ed] its work" (James 1:4), and the pain of the Crucifixion has begun to weave itself into a crown.

The promise comes by FAITH, so that it may be GUARANTEED. ~Romans 4:16
Faith is the only way to obtain God's blessings.
There may be a great work occurring in your life when things seem the darkest. You may see NO evidence YET, but GOD IS at work. Are you reading this from a place in your life where everything seems dark? Do you have faith to see but are still not seeing? Are you lacking continual victory in your spiritual growth? Is your daily, quiet communion gone, and there is nothing but darkness all around? God works through the night until the morning light dawns. You may not see it yet, but through the night of your life, as you trust Him, He works. C.H.P.

You must trust when all else fails!! Great faith must first endure great trials.

All of this devotion was taken from various daily devotions from Streams in the Desert for Graduates by L.B. Cowman

Thursday, December 20, 2012

one thousand gifts devotional giveaway

There is a giveaway over at Meditations of His Love blog. 
The giveaway is for

One Thousand Gifts { The Devotional } by Ann Voskamp.

 The giveaway ends soon, so go HERE to enter.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Feast

 Homemade pumpkin pie made by my sister

 The start of a homemade apple pie

 The apples all chopped up and the ingredients in the bowl ready to be mixed

 All mixed and in the pan

 Has the top woven crust waiting to be put in the oven

 After 60 minutes in the oven the pie is finally done! Not the best
looking one I've ever made, but it tasted good! LOL

 Sweet Potato Casserole-family tradition

 Dinner Rolls


 Mashed Potatoes

The dinner all done and ready to eat!! Yes, we ate ham instead of a
 turkey...I have no clue why.

I hope everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving!!

My First Garden!!!


 This summer I attempted to do my very first garden!! It went much better than I thought
 it would but there are definitely things I will do differently next year. :)


 Tomatoes-they got MUCH taller by the end of the summer!!

 Baby Basil Plants

 L to R: basil, jalepeneos and cilantro

 Jalepeneos, cilantro, onions, and green beans

 Beans, watermelon, honeydew and cantaloupe




 A picture of the entire garden

 Jalepeneos fresh from the garden...I was so excited!!:)

 Basil soaking in salt water to kill any bugs...I learned something while soaking
the basil and that is you can NOT leave the basil in the salt water for too long!
Otherwise it will turn black!! Believe me..I know from experience....


 Peach Preserves!! Yum!! 


 Corn from the garden

The carrots didn't do as well as I had hoped they 
would, but I did get one carrot!!

You Are by Colton Dixon

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Etsy Shop

I have been crocheting like crazy trying to get some stuff made 
because I am wanting to open up an Etsy Shop! So far I have
made a couple scarves and many, many lanyards!! I am hoping 
to officially open my shop sometime in the next few days!
I am super excited and will announce when my shop officially opens!
Does anyone have any ideas of things I should make to put in my shop? :)


Saturday, September 29, 2012

scholarships for college

Fastweb is an easy way to see what scholarships you qualify for and what is available! All you have to do is create a profile and it will show you what scholarships are currently available! If you decide to sign up, go HERE

Sunday, July 15, 2012

~Some of My Favorites From the Piano Guys~

Cello Wars

Rockelbel's Canon (Pachelbel's Canon in D)

Beethoven's 5 Secrets

Bourne Vivaldi

Rock Meets Rachmaninoff

Sunday, May 27, 2012


There is a giveaway over at Eden's Evaluations for a $50 Shabby Apple gift card!! 
The giveaway ends on May 30 so go check it out!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Do NOT Get Discouraged!

Do not get
discouraged -- it
may be the last
key on the ring
that opens
the door. Stansifer 

from Streams in the Desert 
for Graduates 
page 205


Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them. But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Daniel 10:12-13

This passage is a wonderful teaching on prayer and shows us the direct hindrance Satan can be in our lives. Daniel had fasted and prayed for twenty-one difficult days. As far as we can tell from the biblical account, the difficulty came not because his prayer was not right but because of a special attack from Satan.
     The Lord had sent His angelic messenger to tell Daniel that his prayer was answered the moment he began to pray, but the good angel was hindered by an evil angel who met him along the way and wrestled  with him. This conflict occurred in the heavens, yet Daniel experienced the same kind of conflict here on earth as he agonized  in prayer.
     "Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities,...and against the spiritual forces f evil in the heavenly realms" Ephesians 6:12. Satan's attack and the ensuing struggle delayed the answer three full weeks. Daniel was nearly defeated, and Satan would have been glad to kill him, but God would not allow anything to come upon Daniel beyond what he could bear. (See 1 Corinthians 10:13.)
     Many prayers of believers are hindered by Satan. Yet you do not need to fear when your unanswered prayers are piling up, for soon they will break through like a flood. When that happens, not only will your answers flow through but they will also be accompanied by new blessings. from a sermon 
     Hell works the hardest of God's saints. The most worthy souls will be tested with the most pressure and the highest heat, but heaven will not desert them. William L. Watkinson

the following devotion is from pages
 196 &197 of
Streams in the Desert for Graduates
by L.B. Cowman
edited by
Jim Reimann

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

*My Favorite Books*


Monday, March 5, 2012

I realized today that I haven't posted anything in a few weeks! oops lol.
What would you like me to post more about? I am having trouble coming up with
some good ideas so any suggestions would be very much appreciated! :)

Currently, I am working on several different projects!
I have been planning my garden, crocheting an afghan, and sewing a really cute skirt!
I found a pair of khaki pants at the thrift store and some cute brown, black, and white
polka dot fabric that was on sale as the inset. It is going to be really cute when I finish it!!
I'll post some pictures of it when it's done. :)

I will try to post more soon!


Monday, February 27, 2012

one thousand gifts giveaway!

Over at Altogether Separate there is a giveaway! The book looks really good! Go check it out! This giveaway ends March 3rd.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Another Giveaway for It's (Not That) Complicated

Hello everyone!

I wanted to let you know that there is
another giveaway for the book
It's (Not That) Complicated
By Anna Sofia and Elizabeth Botkin.

Go check it out!
Giveaway ends on January 13th.

Friday, January 6, 2012

It's (Not That) Complicated Giveaway

Jenna from Feminine Farmgirl is having a giveaway
for the book It's (Not That) Complicated by
Anna Sofia and Elizabeth Botkin.

Go check it out! The giveaway ends on
January 11th.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

what would you like to read more about?

I want everyone's opinion on posting ideas!
What would you like to read more about?
Some things I was thinking of are
recipes and crafting ideas. What do you think?

I hope everyone's having a great new year so far!
I know mine has been good!!

I hope to post more soon!!
