"If God were small enough to be understood, He wouldn't be big enough to be worshiped." - Evelyn Underhill
Over and over in the
Bible, God proves His sovereignty. Would you set a bush on fire to speak
to your servant? Would you destroy demon-possessed people with a
massive flood? Would you let an underdog slaughter a giant? Hmm. Let's
try the New Testament! Would you feed 5,000 people with one lunch? Would
you walk on water alongside the disciples boat to prove your power?
Would you die on a cross?
didn't understand then. We humans always think we have it all right,
and when God "wrecks" our plans, we whine. Most of us would be ashamed
to admit this, but we whine LOUDLY.
complained that he wasn't the man for the job. Noah probably wondered
what rain was, and how much longer he would have to build the boat.
David was bold in battle, but he was surrounded by doubtful brothers who
told him he was insane to go out alone. The disciples were literally
living with Jesus (in case you missed it, Jesus is God), and they
still wanted to spend 1 year's worth of wages on food for the 5,000
people waiting to eat. They thought Jesus was a ghost when he walked on
water. Obviously, God's ways are not like ours.
has remarkable purposes and plans that blow our minds. The bush, the
flood and ark, the underdog, the lunch, the walking on water incident...
all lead up to the impossible possibilities of glory for the Lord. And
yet, instead of worshiping Him, we find that we're doubtful. We become
skeptical of whether or not things are going to be okay.
-The disciples didn't
understand when Jesus, (who had just fed 5,000 people that afternoon,)
walked on the water. He climbed in the boat and the storm stopped. Yet,
their "hearts were hardened".
-The Israelites had
many tangible forms of God's provision and they still complained and
hesitated to do the next thing. They waited around and did things the
hard way over and over and over and over.
- Moses shifted blame,
didn't follow directions, and tried to cover up things His way. He even
saw the face of God and had a shiny face for awhile afterward. Yet he
still fought God's plans and tried to do it his own way.
laugh! We're not any better. We don't see how God is doing good things
the very minute it gets harder. Have you lost a job? A loved one? Are
you waiting on something to come that doesn't seem possible? Are you
hesitant to do what you feel lead to? Do you doubt that God can DO
things? I'm sure the answer is yes to more than one of these.
We want to know. We want to see results. We want to understand everything that is happening.
died an unjust, cruel death to bring about justice and goodness for the
whole world. He died to save us. We may not understand everything
"terrible" in our lives, but we can be assured that He is sovereign and
that He IS working for good.
could we have faith if we understood everything God was doing? We would
cave in under stress trying to carry out supernatural pressure and holy
plans. We aren't holy. We are human. God uses us in spite of us- He
doesn't need us. But he wants us. He knows we would never be able to
follow His directions if we knew all He would have us to accomplish in a
day. Life is a mystery. Deuteronomy 29:29 says: 'The secret things belong unto the Lord our
God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our
children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.'
keep us in suspense, with baited breath, to see the outcome of a story.
In God's grand story of humanity, we can expect everything to work out
for good. Just how it will all happen is what takes faith. Don't seek to
understand, dear sisters! Seek to do the next thing in front of you.
Seek to have faith in the mysterious and good God we serve.

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